Vernier Caliper and Micrometer Definition Book

Vernier Caliper
A vernier scale is a device that lets the user measure more precisely than could be done unaided when reading a uniformly divided straight or circular measurement scale. It is a scale that indicates where the measurement lies in between two of the marks on the main scale. Verniers are common on sextants used in navigation, scientific instruments used to conduct experiments, machinists' measuring tools (all sorts, but especially calipers and micrometers) used to work materials to fine tolerances, and on theodolites used in surveying.
The micrometer is a precision measuring instrument,
used by engineers. Each revolution of the rachet moves the spindle face
0.5mm towards the anvil face. The object to be measured is placed
between the anvil face and the spindle face. The rachet is turned
clockwise until the object is ‘trapped’ between these two surfaces and
the rachet makes a ‘clicking’ noise. This means that the rachet cannot
be tightened any more and the measurement can be read.
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